#94 – Ode To Van Gogh – My Mind’s Eye

For this mosaic, I want to talk a little about AI (artificial intelligence) and how it relates to “My Mind’s Eye”. I am a techie, but even I am getting a little disturbed about the constant presence of AI in my life. Maybe the most disturbing thing is AI is that it is becoming more and more dominant as the days and months go by. I realize that this is new stuff that will eventually settle down to some established state, but right now it just seems too pervasive. Some say that AI will replace artists, but, I kind of … Continue reading #94 – Ode To Van Gogh – My Mind’s Eye

#31 – One Of My Hobbies…

I’m not much of a collector of things, but one thing I have collected are model cars, particularly the metal kind of the 1/32 scale from the 1960s. They currently occupy the bottom three shelves in my six-shelf curio cabinet. Being a teenager in the 1960s, I was intimately familiar with most of the cars of that era. My first new car, or any car for that matter, was a 1970 was a Mustang Fastback. I wore it out by 1973. Three years was the typical lifespan of cars during that period of time. Then came the 1980s and all … Continue reading #31 – One Of My Hobbies…

#97 – The Adventures Of Youth… Colorado Mountain Top

I was a 30-year-old single guy when I took this adventure. It was on a mountain top in southwestern Colorado, although I don’t remember exactly where now. I spent the year before outfitting my recently purchased Chevy van as a camper. My freshly minted roommate and I left Indiana one morning and were at the 10,000 ft elevation twenty-four hours later. That same day, we hiked to the 12,000 level where this picture was taken. Even in my youth I discovered that doing that so quickly was not a smart thing to do. We camped out that night and were … Continue reading #97 – The Adventures Of Youth… Colorado Mountain Top

#95 – Red, Yellow, Green

I spent the last weekend organizing my iPhoto Library so that it’s easier to find what I want here at RJsMosaic. Putting 18,000 photos into about 20 different boxes is no small challenge, but due to my Aspie traits, I am up to it. During all this work I came to the realization that I have an affinity towards stoplights. The art and structure, especially this one, fascinates me. This picture was taken while I was visiting one of the Wright Brother’s sites in Dayton Ohio. There is so much to see in Dayton, I will have to get back … Continue reading #95 – Red, Yellow, Green

#52 – The World’s Most Beautiful Junkyard

As soon as I saw this place, I immediately stomped on the brake petal. I knew I HAD to have a picture of it. It has remained on my wall since that April day in 2015. When I read my first book about the “Mountain Men” as a teenager, I have always dreamed that in a previous life I was a mountain man. When I say the movie “Jeremiah Johnson” in 1972, that thought was permanently welded into my mind. As the picture says, it was taken near LaFruto in southern Colorado. Like so many other times, the only regret … Continue reading #52 – The World’s Most Beautiful Junkyard

#29 – I Know Artsy When I See It

And this is definitely artsy. These Artsy Ladies were in the Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens which is located in Rockford, Illinois. When I visited in 2017, the Bruce Monro Light Exhibit was the current attraction. This was in the beginning phase of my search for artsy. I don’t know if these ladies were part of that exhibit or a permanent part of the conservatory, but they did fit very well into landscape of the dome. They were about 5 feet tall and made of glass, but I can’t imagine exactly how they were actually constructed. The conservatory itself is certainly in the top three I have … Continue reading #29 – I Know Artsy When I See It

#2 – The Beauty Of Flowers…

As the first post on this new blog, I thought I would show you the first serious attempt in my Artsy Project. I have decided, at least until I get bored with the subject, to concentrate on the beauty of flowers. I am going to try to avoid all the complicated stuff about flowers and just focus on their beauty, and maybe their generic names. Until now, I couldn’t tell you my favorite flowers, as I didn’t know their names. I do have a couple of garden books that I bought from ThriftBooks. One is about how to photograph them … Continue reading #2 – The Beauty Of Flowers…