#94 – Ode To Van Gogh – My Mind’s Eye

For this mosaic, I want to talk a little about AI (artificial intelligence) and how it relates to “My Mind’s Eye”. I am a techie, but even I am getting a little disturbed about the constant presence of AI in my life. Maybe the most disturbing thing is AI is that it is becoming more and more dominant as the days and months go by. I realize that this is new stuff that will eventually settle down to some established state, but right now it just seems too pervasive. Some say that AI will replace artists, but, I kind of … Continue reading #94 – Ode To Van Gogh – My Mind’s Eye

#31 – One Of My Hobbies…

I’m not much of a collector of things, but one thing I have collected are model cars, particularly the metal kind of the 1/32 scale from the 1960s. They currently occupy the bottom three shelves in my six-shelf curio cabinet. Being a teenager in the 1960s, I was intimately familiar with most of the cars of that era. My first new car, or any car for that matter, was a 1970 was a Mustang Fastback. I wore it out by 1973. Three years was the typical lifespan of cars during that period of time. Then came the 1980s and all … Continue reading #31 – One Of My Hobbies…

#75 The Thing About Orchids

It has been a while since I posted an artsy mosaic, so here goes. Almost all my life I have had a green thumb, but that was mostly the outdoor variety. I had my first veggie garden before I was 8 years old. Of course, I don’t specifically remember all those early childhood dates, but I do use one reference to establish the date. In 1955, my mother abandoned us to looker for greener pastures, and I do remember not too long before that is when I was raising radishes, green onions, and leaf lettuce in a small plot in … Continue reading #75 The Thing About Orchids

#41 Oriental Poppy?

I think the flower above is an Oriental Poppy, but if I am wrong, please let me know. But, this flower was the cause of one of my most serious fights with my wife in our 35 years of marriage. It came in 2003 and totally surprised me. We were in our homestead three years, and I decided to help my wife with some weeding of her flower beds. Before I go any further, I need to tell you that my wife was a SERIOUS flower gardener. Back to the story. When I saw some thistles growing in her beds, … Continue reading #41 Oriental Poppy?

#44 – One Man’s Trash…

I know I am using plenty of clichés here, but I think you get the idea. Go to the big city, and they spend big bucks to keep the above flower out of their lawns. Being basically a country boy, I love the diversity of a country lawn. It is not just one boring plot of the same old grass. I remember when we first moved into our country homestead in 2000, there was a yard pump in the side lawn with wild violets around it. When I left in 2021, almost the entire 3 acres were covered in violets … Continue reading #44 – One Man’s Trash…

#78. Lego Beauty

I have found out that Lego is not just a bunch of blocks, but instead it is a creation yet to be discovered. It took about 4 hours to build this 771 piece LEGO Icon Succulents. It was a very peaceful 4 hours. Yes, I know this is a “kit” that has probably been sold to thousands of different people. But this is just what I needed almost a year ago to finally push me in a different direction. It was the beginning of the process, and I’m certainly glad it happened. Continue reading #78. Lego Beauty

#74 – Chaos (Double Memory)…

This mosaic was taken on the shores of the Great Lakes. Indiana only has a minute segment of shoreline, but what it has is beautiful indeed. It is at the very southern end of a 317-mile Lake Michigan. Most of the weather in this part of the country comes from Canada, so I suppose that is the reason that many of the rocks and pebbles accumulate at the southern end. To me, this mosaic kinda looks like organized chaos. I especially love the blue rocks scattered among the others. Continue reading #74 – Chaos (Double Memory)…

#73 – Old Fashioned Containers Tell A Story

One of my favorite things to look for when I visited local or regional museums were containers. Back in the day before TV commercials, magazines, and such, the primary way to get attention to their products was by creative packaging. This picture was taken in the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park. I will give you more details about the park in a future mosaic. For this mosaic, I just what to focus on the containers I found there. Each one tells a story of it’s own. Continue reading #73 – Old Fashioned Containers Tell A Story

#28 – Surreal Landscape

The last time I was at the Grand Canyon was when this picture was taken in 2005. I have been there on two other occasions. What was special this time was that we stayed in the lodge on the south end of the canyon. We could lie in our bed at the national park lodge as see the canyon about 50 feet away. It was like the other two times I had visited there in that it just didn’t seem real. The grandeur of it was just beyond imagination. One of the “woulda, coulda, shoulda” things I regret not doing … Continue reading #28 – Surreal Landscape

#7 – Indy Skyline – In Pen & Ink

If you read the previous post about “Analog Artsy” you probably get the idea that I will likely avoid this technique in the future. There is some truth to that, but some of the creations I made even impressed me, and I am a hard person to impress. One of those is the Mosaic #7 above of the Indy Skyline. I spent the better part of the day doing this one. As usual, it started out with a photo that I traced the basic features I wanted to convey. From there it was all freehand. Since this picture was to be “pen … Continue reading #7 – Indy Skyline – In Pen & Ink

RJsMosaic Is A Celebration Of Life…

This site is a celebration of life and the many pieces that make it up. Most of us go through life dreaming of the big things, but in reality, life is mostly made up of the little things that happen every day. RJsMosaic is about celebrating those small things as well as the big ones. It is also about celebrating the things that make us the unique people we are. It is about our special talents, achievements, and stories of our lives. It is about appreciating each day the Lord gives us. If this appeals to you, I invite you to … Continue reading RJsMosaic Is A Celebration Of Life…