#112 – Skyline?

I titled this mosaic “Manhattan Skyline” but there is really no skyline in the picture, except maybe as a reflection. I have been going to Manhattan for 70+ years now. In the early days is was to go to corporate headquarters or other business type trips. In the last 25 years is has been part of a vacation experience. Being a country boy to my core, I never got that comfortable with all the people always around 24/7. Every time I saw all the multistory apartment buildings, I always said to myself, I could never live that. Going days at … Continue reading #112 – Skyline?

#115 – Cityscapes Pen & Ink…

I love this “pen & ink” version of cityscape mosaic, so I am going to add it as a stand alone topic here at RJsMosaic. One of the prerequisites of this new category of “Cityscapes (Pen & Ink)” is that the image must contain historic buildings and infrastructure/utilities. Another is it must represent the character of the area where it was taken. I know I have quite a few of these type pictures of Pittsburgh and I will be seeking out more of these pictures these type cityscapes from my roadtrips across America. The picture above was taken just down … Continue reading #115 – Cityscapes Pen & Ink…

#90 – Windmills Of My Mind

I have been in a playful mood lately, or maybe you could call it infantile creative mood. I have been on a serious search for Artsy tools and so far have found ten good ones. This mosaic was made with one of them. I tried to clear my mind of anything of this world and just go crazy with my iPad pen. When I was done it looked like I was trying to draw a windmill. I have been watching House Hunters International quite a bit lately, so maybe that had something to do with it. It was fun just … Continue reading #90 – Windmills Of My Mind

#103 – My Pride & Joy…

When I retired at the age of 54 after thirty years in a corporate world and moved back to Indiana, I was considering two options. To get another IT job at a college in the area, or opening up my own business in making custom furniture. I chose the second option, and I’m glad I did. Woodworking had been a life-long passion, but I never thought it as a business. Up until then, I had several woodworking shops. One I even had custom built on the back of the garage. It was my dream shop for the two years I … Continue reading #103 – My Pride & Joy…

#94 – Ode To Van Gogh – My Mind’s Eye

For this mosaic, I want to talk a little about AI (artificial intelligence) and how it relates to “My Mind’s Eye”. I am a techie, but even I am getting a little disturbed about the constant presence of AI in my life. Maybe the most disturbing thing is AI is that it is becoming more and more dominant as the days and months go by. I realize that this is new stuff that will eventually settle down to some established state, but right now it just seems too pervasive. Some say that AI will replace artists, but, I kind of … Continue reading #94 – Ode To Van Gogh – My Mind’s Eye

#56 – Texture 2

When it comes to texture, I slip between two extremes. One extreme is the rough texture as shown above. The other is glass smooth, and particularly reflections. You will be seeing both in spades in the course of RJsMosaics. The picture above was taken with one of my cameras that doesn’t have GPS, so I don’t know exactly where it was. But, I do know it was just a small town along a State road in northern Indiana. When I saw the barn, I had to turn around and get the picture to add to my collection. I can just … Continue reading #56 – Texture 2

#48 – Oh, The Kid In Me… Disney World, Lion King

My wife wasn’t too excited about it, but for our 30th wedding anniversary we went to Disney World. When I told her about the idea, she blurted out, “Disney World is for kids”! I replied, “you ought to know by now that I am a forever kid.” Anyway, we spent five beautiful days in a very fantasy place. Looking back, I think the highlight of it was the performance of Lion King. Even though I couldn’t hear the music, the constant drum beats across my chest were enough to keep me in the mood. Instead of trying to describe all … Continue reading #48 – Oh, The Kid In Me… Disney World, Lion King

#85 – Sam

I have had pets for most of my life, but my first personal pet was Sam. Before that, they were always family pets. I got Sam as a puppy in October 1972. When I graduated from college in June 1970, I got an apartment about 5 miles from where I worked. It was the first time I had ever lived alone. The first two years I enjoyed the solitude, but within a couple of years I started getting lonely. It was time for a pet. I really don’t know why I chose a dachshund who was the biggest in the … Continue reading #85 – Sam

#31 – One Of My Hobbies…

I’m not much of a collector of things, but one thing I have collected are model cars, particularly the metal kind of the 1/32 scale from the 1960s. They currently occupy the bottom three shelves in my six-shelf curio cabinet. Being a teenager in the 1960s, I was intimately familiar with most of the cars of that era. My first new car, or any car for that matter, was a 1970 was a Mustang Fastback. I wore it out by 1973. Three years was the typical lifespan of cars during that period of time. Then came the 1980s and all … Continue reading #31 – One Of My Hobbies…

#109 – Ottawa Reflections

Ottawa, which is the national capital of Canada, is one of my most favorite cities I have ever visited. One of the primary reasons is “reflections”. That is, the old and the new building coexisting and actually complimenting each other. The picture above is replicated there dozens of times. In this particular case, it is a reflection of the Parliament building. Continue reading #109 – Ottawa Reflections

#107 – I’m Canadian, “We Don’t Do Proud”

One of the most memorable places I have visited was the Eastern part of Canada in 2011. The trip was scheduled for a month but was cut a week short due to my wife’s reoccurring illnesses. I have always wanted to go back and finish that trip, but the years have caught up with me so that is no longer a possibility. But, I can relive those times in 2011 with RJsMosaics and stories from my journal of those times. This is the first of several Mosaics yet to come. I’m pretty sure my roots go back to Great Britain, … Continue reading #107 – I’m Canadian, “We Don’t Do Proud”

#75 The Thing About Orchids

It has been a while since I posted an artsy mosaic, so here goes. Almost all my life I have had a green thumb, but that was mostly the outdoor variety. I had my first veggie garden before I was 8 years old. Of course, I don’t specifically remember all those early childhood dates, but I do use one reference to establish the date. In 1955, my mother abandoned us to looker for greener pastures, and I do remember not too long before that is when I was raising radishes, green onions, and leaf lettuce in a small plot in … Continue reading #75 The Thing About Orchids

#98 About Jimmy Madison…

This picture was taken on our “President’s Row” trip in 2011. We visited 6 president’s homes. Jimmy was a quiet guy. He didn’t stand out like so many of his playmates who were much taller and more vocal than him. He was intelligent but didn’t go around bragging about that. But, He was what was needed at the time to make this democracy project a success. I think some of you probably know who I am talking about? I don’t suspect you call him Jimmy, but instead use his God-given name of James. I am talking about James Madison, otherwise … Continue reading #98 About Jimmy Madison…

#97 – The Adventures Of Youth… Colorado Mountain Top

I was a 30-year-old single guy when I took this adventure. It was on a mountain top in southwestern Colorado, although I don’t remember exactly where now. I spent the year before outfitting my recently purchased Chevy van as a camper. My freshly minted roommate and I left Indiana one morning and were at the 10,000 ft elevation twenty-four hours later. That same day, we hiked to the 12,000 level where this picture was taken. Even in my youth I discovered that doing that so quickly was not a smart thing to do. We camped out that night and were … Continue reading #97 – The Adventures Of Youth… Colorado Mountain Top

#33 – Mississinewa 1812

The Battle of 1812 is not high on a level of importance as wars go. It was primarily about Great Britain riling up the Indians who were losing their homeland to the invaders. Except for the annihilation of many tribes in the Northeast, the war didn’t change much, but the reenactment at Mississinewa, Indiana is the biggest one of that war. This particular battle was mainly about ineptitude. Most of the men who signed up for this battle were kids 18 – 20 years old, who were poorly trained and led by the “Indian Hater” William Henry Harrison. (these are … Continue reading #33 – Mississinewa 1812

#96 – A Nation of Immigrants

I have several times in my life, had an “Inspiring/Life Changing” moment, where a solution to a problem that has plagued me seemingly forever suddenly becomes obvious. When that happens, I often look back at that time from the mosaic above. The picture was taken on January 29, 1999. Some of you who know the area probably recognize that it was taken from NYC Battery Park, looking over to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in the distance. Being a U.S. history nut, I have always been inspired by these two places and the number of immigrants who saw … Continue reading #96 – A Nation of Immigrants

#95 – Red, Yellow, Green

I spent the last weekend organizing my iPhoto Library so that it’s easier to find what I want here at RJsMosaic. Putting 18,000 photos into about 20 different boxes is no small challenge, but due to my Aspie traits, I am up to it. During all this work I came to the realization that I have an affinity towards stoplights. The art and structure, especially this one, fascinates me. This picture was taken while I was visiting one of the Wright Brother’s sites in Dayton Ohio. There is so much to see in Dayton, I will have to get back … Continue reading #95 – Red, Yellow, Green

#100 Turning Back The Odometer… And Other Such Things

(An Artsyfiied picture of RJ – wrinkles and gray hair what there is of it) Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know “why” I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way and some of the roads weren’t paved. ― Will Rogers I recently saw an image of Cher, and it was obvious that she has had dozens of plastic surgeries. She is five months older than I am, but she refuses to show her age. As this quote from Will Rogers says above, NOT ME. I want people to know I am … Continue reading #100 Turning Back The Odometer… And Other Such Things

My Blue-Collar Dad… 1950s – 60s

May 16, 2017 – For some reason I am thinking of Dad today, so I thought I would pen some thoughts about him here. The first job I remember Dad having was working in a small sand casting shop making those little post office doors you still see in your local post office. I’m sure he made thousands and thousands of them. They were made of brass and as a result, he regularly got what he called “brass chills”. That is when he was over exposed to all the brass fumes coming off the melting material. His “chills were frightening to … Continue reading My Blue-Collar Dad… 1950s – 60s

#45 The Fishing Years 1975 – 1985

I graduated from college in 1970 and for the next 16 years I led a bachelor’s life. A good part of that time was dedicated to my fishing years with the rig above. I built a custom interior in the van for sleeping and hauling all the junk required. The 1976 Chevy van was my third new vehicle I had purchased. I traded in a 1973 Chevy Laguna, which replaced my 1970 Mustang. Yeah, in those years you pretty much wore out a vehicle in three years. Getting to my fishing years, eight months a year I was on lakes … Continue reading #45 The Fishing Years 1975 – 1985

#41 Oriental Poppy?

I think the flower above is an Oriental Poppy, but if I am wrong, please let me know. But, this flower was the cause of one of my most serious fights with my wife in our 35 years of marriage. It came in 2003 and totally surprised me. We were in our homestead three years, and I decided to help my wife with some weeding of her flower beds. Before I go any further, I need to tell you that my wife was a SERIOUS flower gardener. Back to the story. When I saw some thistles growing in her beds, … Continue reading #41 Oriental Poppy?

#44 – One Man’s Trash…

I know I am using plenty of clichés here, but I think you get the idea. Go to the big city, and they spend big bucks to keep the above flower out of their lawns. Being basically a country boy, I love the diversity of a country lawn. It is not just one boring plot of the same old grass. I remember when we first moved into our country homestead in 2000, there was a yard pump in the side lawn with wild violets around it. When I left in 2021, almost the entire 3 acres were covered in violets … Continue reading #44 – One Man’s Trash…