#56 – Texture 2

When it comes to texture, I slip between two extremes. One extreme is the rough texture as shown above. The other is glass smooth, and particularly reflections. You will be seeing both in spades in the course of RJsMosaics.

The picture above was taken with one of my cameras that doesn’t have GPS, so I don’t know exactly where it was. But, I do know it was just a small town along a State road in northern Indiana. When I saw the barn, I had to turn around and get the picture to add to my collection. I can just imagine the worker who built the building years ago putting in the mortar and placing the bricks. It looks like the bricks were likely taken from a previous building. I should have went around to the front to see what the building was primarily used for. But of course, that is another coulda, woulda, shoulda I missed out on.

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